The Embroidered & Printed Clothing Company

Design Competition to Win 50 Tees!

The best design will be selected and printed onto 50 tee shirts for you to take home, all for FREE!

If you want to enter our tee shirt competition then simply email your design (can only be up to three colours) to us at

Your designs will be entered into our ‘June Design Comp Entries’ folder on Facebook for people to vote on the best ones. The design with the most likes and shares will win! It’s as simple as that!

The only rules are that you can only enter one design per person, so make sure you pick your very best design, and you must ensure that it only contain three colours. Couldn’t be simpler so enter it today!

The competition closes on the Monday 6th of July 2015 and the winner will be announced on Tuesday the 7th of July 2015.

Don’t hesitate! Enter The EPCC design competition and win 50 Tee Shirts printed with your own design! 

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