The Embroidered & Printed Clothing Company

Are Embroidered Polo Shirts Right For You?

Embroidered logos are stitched into your garment, rather than printed on top of the fabric. Ultimately, this means that as long as you wash and look after the polo shirt correctly, your design will continue to last for years to come.

Nowadays, there are so many different ways to promote yourself, so you might be wondering why you should chose embroidered polo shirts over other methods of branding and marketing. It’s true that there are so many low cost and discreet ways to get your name out there, but one of the main reasons to consider this alternative method is that it is completely portable.

Are you considering shirts for your team of workers? Not only are they promoting your business whilst at work, with embroidered polo shirts they could be promoting it on the commute to and from work as well! This even works if you’re looking to promote your brand or cause. Whether you’re out walking the dog or going for your weekly shop, you could be marketing your ideas or business all over town - how many marketing strategies allow you to do that?

Portable marketing is a great benefit of embroidered polo shirts but let’s not forget the style element too. Cotton polo shirts come in a range of different colours and the same goes for the embroidery threads. If you run a business, club or cause that doesn’t have a uniform, you could be letting yourself down. A company with smart, well-dressed staff or a club with a clear message is much more likely to get noticed than an organisation that isn’t sure what it stands for.

It’s no secret that customers and the general public are far more likely to trust someone if they look professional and reliable. Working in a tracksuit or strappy top does not shout skilled or qualified in the same way a uniform does, so don’t let yourself down!

Whatever your needs, there’s nothing quite like an embroidered polo shirt to get you noticed. It’s subtle, smart and works much better than a static ad that’s stuck online, in a shop window or in the newspaper.

For more information on how embroidery works or for advice on making the most of your logo on an embroidered polo shirt, call the EPCC today on

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